Why the shear force eudl is greater than bending moment?
The actual loads consist of axle load from engine and bogies. The actual
standard loads have been expressed in bridge rules as equivalent uniformly
distributed loads (EUDL) in tables to simplify the analysis. These equivalent UDL
values depend upon the span length. However, in case of rigid frame, cantilever
and suspension bridges, it is necessary for the designer to proceed from the
basic wheel loads. In order to have a uniform gauge throughout the country, it is
advantageous to design railway bridges to Broad gauge main line standard
loading. The EUDLs for bending moment and shear force for broad gauge main
line loading can be obtained by the following formulae, which have been obtained
from regression analysis
standard loads have been expressed in bridge rules as equivalent uniformly
distributed loads (EUDL) in tables to simplify the analysis. These equivalent UDL
values depend upon the span length. However, in case of rigid frame, cantilever
and suspension bridges, it is necessary for the designer to proceed from the
basic wheel loads. In order to have a uniform gauge throughout the country, it is
advantageous to design railway bridges to Broad gauge main line standard
loading. The EUDLs for bending moment and shear force for broad gauge main
line loading can be obtained by the following formulae, which have been obtained
from regression analysis