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What does ASTM standard call for T11 materials?

ASTM material standards do not always represent the state of technology within the steel industry and the marketplace. Often, our ASTM A01 standards have not been updated with more restrictive limits on chemical elements or mechanical properties. Many companies within the USA have purchasing standards usually more restrictive, with respect to properties and composition, than ASTM material standards. This shows that the market recognizes that the current standards do not meet the requirements of some users. Further, some common mechanical properties and other requirements are contained in supplementary requirements rather than within the normal requirements of the standard. Material standards should represent the state of the art but not necessarily the leading edge of manufacturing technology. Without question, many of our material standards need to be updated to meet what is in the market and not kept so broad as to cover for the errors made in manufacturing operations. Failures caused by poorly controlled manufacturing processes are a cost of doing business and those who can not control their processed sufficiently should not dictate broad acceptance criteria to the rest of the industry. Without question, we do need to examine our material standards and improve the world view of the quality of our standards.
At the same time, regarding the EU PED, there is no existing method to have material produced to any standard other than one from the EU accepted under the EU PED. It doesn’t matter how good they might be, the ASTM standards are not accepted so it does not matter. There must be governmental involvement in the situation and without it, there will never be an ASTM material standard accepted under the EU PED.
Yes, we can clean up our act and we should do that. However, without a lot of outside help, tightening of ASTM material standards is an exercise which, while important to the world view of ASTM standards as technically pertinent and up to date, will have no impact on the acceptance of ASTM material standards by the EU PED.