
Standards Association and Institute

AA Aluminum Association, U.S.A.
AAR Association of American Railroads, U.S.A.
ABS American Bureau of Shipping, U.S.A.
ACI Alloy Casting Institute, U.S.A.
ACS American Chemical Society, U.S.A.
AFBMA Anti-Friction Bearing Manufacturers Association, U.S.A.
AGA American Gas Association, U.S.A.
AGMA American Gear Manufacturers Association, U.S.A.
AIIS American Institute for International Steel, U.S.A.
AIME American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical & Petroleum Engineers, U.S.A.
AISA Australian Independent Steel Association, Australia.
AISC American Institute of Steel Construction, U.S.A.
AISI American Iron and Steel Institute, U.S.A.
ALCOA Aluminum Company of America, U.S.A.
AMS Aerospace Material Specifications-SAE, U.S.A.
AN Air Force-Navy Aeronautical Standards, U.S.A.
ANSI American National STandards Institute, U.S.A.
API American Petroleum Institute, U.S.A.
AREA American Railway Engineering Association, U.S.A.
AS Australian Standards, Australia
ASA American Standards, Association, U.S.A. (USASI)
ASM American Society for Metals, U.S.A.
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers, U.S.A.
Aspa Alloy Steel Producers Association, India.
Aspibi Associationof Indonesian Steel Ingot & Billet Manufacturers, Indonesia.
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials, U.S.A. (ASHRAE)
ASTPM Association of Steel Tube and Pipe Manufacturers of South Africa, South Africa
AWPA American Wire Producers Association, U.S.A.
AWS American Welding Society, U.S.A.
BDS Comite Supreme de I'Automobile, France
BS British Standards, U.K.
BV Bureau Veritas, France
CCS China Classification Society, China
CII Confederation of Indian Industries, India
CIMM Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum, Canada
CNS Chinese National Standards, Taiwan
CS Commerical Standards, U.S.A.
CSA Canadian Standards Association, Canada
CSB Centrala Sjukvardsberedningen-SIS, Sweden
CSN Ceskoslovenskych Norem, Czekoslovakia
CSPA Canadian Steel Producers Association, Canada
CGSB Canadian Government specification Board, Canada
DGN Direccion General de Normas, Mexico
DIN Deutsche Industrie-Norm, Germany
DNV Det Norske Veritas, Norway
DS Dansk Standards, Denmark
ECSC European Coal & Steel Community, Europe
Eisa European Independent Steelworks Association, Europe
ENO Greek Standards Committe, Technical Chamber of Greece, Greece
EOS Federal Specifications and Standards, U.S.A.
Essdig European Stainless Steel Development & Information Group, Europe
ESTA European Steel Tube Association, Europe
FS Federal Specifications and Standards, U.S.A.
Gapbesi Federation of the Indonesia Iron & Steel Manufacturers Association, U.S.A.
GB China Standards, China
GOST State Committee on Standards, Russia
GL Germanischer Lloyd, Germany
HDGASA Hop Dip Galvanizers Association Southern Africa, South Africa
HEI Heat Exchange Institute, U.S.A.
IBS Insituto Brasileiro de Siderurgia, Brazil
IFI Industrial Fasteners Institute, U.S.A.
IISI International Iron and Steel Institute
ILAFA Instituto Latinoamericano del Fierro y el Acero, South American
IP Institute of Petroleum, U.K.
IPLOCA International Pipeline and Offshore Contractors' Association
Irepas International Rebars Exporters & Producers Association
IRSS Indian Railway Standard Specification, India
ISI Indian Standards, India
I.S. Irish Standards, Ireland
ISA International Federation of the National Standardizing Association
ISO International Organization for Standardization
Ives Venezuelan Steel Institute, Venezuela
JASO Japanese Automobile Standards Organization, Japan
JIS Japan Industrial Standards, Japan
JISF Japan Iron & Steel Federation, Japan
JRS Japanese National Railway Standards, Japan
KOSA Korea Iron and Steel Association, Korea
KRS Korean Register of Shipping, Korea
KS Korean Standards, South Korea
LR Lloyd's Register of Shipping, U.K.
MAC Mining Association of Canada, Canada
MBMA Metal Building Manufacturers Association, U.S.A.
MCA Metal Construction Association, U.S.A.
MIL Military Specifications and Standards, U.S.A.
MNC Metallnormcentralen-SIS, Sweden
MPIF Metal Powder Industries Federation, U.S.A.
MRA Metal roofing Alliance, U.S.A.
MSCI Metals Service Center Institute, U.S.A.
MSS Manufacturers standardization Society of the Valve and Fitting Industry, U.S.A.
MSZ Magyar Szabvanyugyi Hivatal, Hungary
NB Normas Brasileiras, Brazil
NEN Nederlandse Norm, Netherlands
NF Norme Francaise, France
NK Nippon Kaiji Kyokai, Japan
NP Norma Portuguesa, Portugal
NS Norsk Standard, Norway
NZSS New Zealand Standard Specifications, New Zealand
NV Norske Veritas, Norway
ONORM Osterreichische Norm, Austria
PCA Philippine Constructors Association, Philippine
PISI Philippine Iron & Steel Institute, Philippine
PMA Precision Metalforming Association, U.S.A.
PN Porska Norma, Poland
PSA Philippine Steelmakers Association, Philippine
PRSS Pakistan Railway Standard Specification, Pakistan
PS Pakistan Standards, Pakistan
SAE Society of Automotive Engineers, U.S.A.
SAISI South African Iron and Steel Institute, South Africa
Seaisi South-East Asia Iron & Steel Institute, South-East Asia
SFS Finlands Standardiserings Kommission, Finland
SI Israel Standards, Sweden
SIS Swedish Standards Institute, Sweden
SMA Steel Manufacturers Association, U.S.A.
STI Steel Tube Institute of North America, North America
TS Turk Standardlari, Turkey
TSIIA Taiwan Steel & Iron Industries Association, Taiwan
UIC International Union of Railways
UNCO Una Norma Colombiana, Colombia
UNE Una Norma Espanola, Spain
UNI Unificazione, Italy
UNIT Institute Uruguayo de Normas Technicas, Urugray
USASI United States of American Standards Institute, U.S.A.
VSM Verein Schweizerischer Maschinenindustrieller, Switzerland
VDEH Verein Deutscher Eisenhuttenleute, Germany